Saturday, August 9, 2008

Back to QVC

QVC has asked us to come back and sell our hair product again. This time they want to try a late evening/early morning slot on the "Beauty Beat" segment. I've been told this is typically better hours than the daytime slot we had before, but we'll see. Catherine threatend to have me be on with the host if I didn't at least come back with her and be an on-air hair model. Of course, I would prefer the professional model, but we have been working together with this product since its inception, so it makes sense for me to be there with her. If you want to catch it or TIVO/DVR it, the "Beauty Beat" hour starts at Monday at midnight PST or for the non-PST people -- Tuesday morning at 1am MST, 2am CST and 3am EST.

Hugh McCutcheon's father-in-law killed at Olympics

I was very saddend to hear about a friend of mine from college. Hugh is originally from New Zealand but came to the US to play on the men's volleyball team at BYU and has gone on to be one of the top coaches in the world. He was at the Olympics with his wife and her family to watch him coach the US Men's Olympic Team when his mother-in-law and father-in-law were attacked by a man with a knife for no apparent reason while site-seeing. Hugh's father-in-law died and his mother-in-law is still in the hospital. My thoughts and prayers go out to Hugh, his wife and their family.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another movie...

Cienna has been dying for me to watch the movie "Stardust" with her. I wasn't to excited because I thought it was some kid's movie that I had never heard of. So last night we had girls night and watched it. I was surprised, it was a great movie! It had quite a few "A" list stars in it and a good story line. I guess I should find time to watch movies more often.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why can't I get their names right???

I don't know if anyone noticed, but in my post about swim school (below), I put Brock's name instead of Dalton's. I do that ALL THE TIME! My kids even suggested that I should have named them the other names when they were born, but I explained that even if I did, I still would have mixed them up. I think I reviewed that post 5 or more times and didn't catch it until today. I decided to leave it since this is how my life really is and when I look back I can laugh about it.

I think this problem is hereditary because my mom calls me, Cienna and Cienna, Shauna all the time too. Once in a while she'll throw in my niece's name Shelby or sister-in-law Charisse. It's quite fun because she'll say something like "When is Shauna's soccer game?" and I'll say "I have a soccer game?" to which she replies (ticked off) "Oh you know who I'm talking about!"

I'm sure my kids will do the same to me!

Monday, August 4, 2008

New movie to add to my favorites... 27 Dresses

OK, I didn't have any desire to see this movie when it was in the theater, I mainly like "subtle" comedies and indy films (and I wasn't sure what kind of movie this was) but I purchased this rent one get one free movie deal for 4 weeks and decided to maximize it the best of my ability. I mean I watch a movie once every 4 months, so I never thought I'd make it worth while. So while the kids were picking out their 4th movie in two weeks (which is so not normal for us), I decided to grab a "popular" movie just for fun. Well, I totally loved it! Have watched it now 4 times (very rare for me to rewatch a movie I just barely saw) so it get's added to my "fav" list.

**Juno is also one of my recent favorites - I saw that one in the theater and then bought it when it came out -- very rare for me to buy a movie, but the sarcasm and witty writing of the movie was too much for me to pass up!! A must see in my opinion.